Green Township Public School

The Green Township Public School was located in Williamsburg, Indiana.

A gymnasium was constructed from 1952 to 1953, 1 and within two years, the newly formed Yellow Jackets had an undefeated season with fans packing the bleachers to capacity.

In 1967, the school began serving only grades 1 through 6 when the kindergarten and high schools were moved to a consolidated location in Fountain City. During its last two years of operation, the building served as an elementary facility for Williamsburg, Webster, Whitewater, and Fountain City in double shifts. Williamsburg and Webster students attended in the morning hours while Fountain City and Whitewater students participated in the evening. A new elementary school opened in 1983 and the Green Township Public School building closed.

The school building was then reused as the Williamsburg Area Community Center.

On August 1, 2002, the Cincinnati Floor Company restored the gymnasium floor. 1 It was the first time that the floor had been renovated since 1959. The gymnasium was reopened on September 16 for community use.



  1. Engle, Bill. “Facelift takes years off gym floor.” Palladium-Item [Richmond] 16 Sept. 2002: A1+. Print.

1 Comment

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is this school in williamsburg indiana for sale if so how much or can it be sold on contract, if any back taxes ill pay them off if not to high, if any remodeling thats ok,, im interested in buy old schools or ect…….

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