Category: Explorations

July 6, 2011 / Explorations
June 29, 2011 / Explorations
June 24, 2011 / Explorations
June 21, 2011 / Explorations
June 15, 2011 / Explorations
June 14, 2011 / Explorations
June 13, 2011 / Explorations

The Tennessee State Penitentiary, colloquially known as the Tennessee State Prison, presents an imposing sight mere minutes from downtown Nashville. The Gothic-inspired administration building and guard shacks were constructed to instill trepidation in the incarcerated population. The layout bore a striking resemblance to a fortification, with thick, stone masonry walls intended to preclude escapes into the neighboring community.

June 6, 2011 / Explorations
May 23, 2011 / Explorations
May 9, 2011 / Explorations
April 8, 2011 / Explorations

The coalfields of southern West Virginia, once teeming with life and industry, now stand as somber reminders of a bygone era. My recent journey through McDowell County, deep within the heart of the state’s coal country, unveiled a landscape etched with the remnants of a once-thriving mining empire, now grappling with the harsh realities of economic decline and depopulation.

March 16, 2011 / Explorations

Deep within the once coal-rich veins of Buchanan County, Virginia, remnants of a bygone era of prosperity linger. This southwestern county, bordered by the coal-abundant Pike County, Kentucky, to the north and McDowell County, West Virginia, to the northeast – known for its billion-dollar coalfield – bears witness to a transformation.

March 4, 2011 / Explorations
February 1, 2011 / Explorations
January 28, 2011 / Explorations

When discourse arises concerning the declining fortunes of downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, and its inner-ring suburbs, many are quick to lament the vacant stretches of sidewalks, devoid of pedestrian activity, and the boarded-up storefronts, waxing nostalgic about the halcyon days of the 1950s and 1960s.

January 21, 2011 / Explorations
January 6, 2011 / Explorations
December 20, 2010 / Explorations
December 1, 2010 / Explorations

Weekend outings, particularly for photographing old abandoned sites, offer a refreshing break from the routine of weekday work life. There’s a unique satisfaction in encountering the distinct scent of abandonment and capturing the scenes that unfold. It’s even more enjoyable when sharing the exploration experience with someone eager to embrace the thrill of venturing into derelict places.

November 30, 2010 / Explorations