Hidden relics of the past are nestled along the winding Twelvepole Creek and Tug Fork in Wayne County, West Virginia.
Tag: Abandoned
Kentucky Speedway, once a prominent venue for racing in Kentucky, faced logistical challenges that led to its closure.
A message addressing the coal industry is posted on the exterior of a house that has stood abandoned for several years in West Virginia.
Abraham, West Virginia, 25955, is a serene community waiting to be discovered, often by those who explore the winding back roads in search of hidden gems.
Jumping Branch, West Virginia, is one of those communities that most would pass on by quickly as they either head toward Beckley or Hinton.
As you journey along the New River in Hinton, West Virginia, you’ll encounter the once-thriving Bluestone Museum & Taxidermy.
Fire lookout towers provided housing and protection for individuals whose duty was to search for wildfires. I recently paid a visit to two of these lookouts in West Virginia: the Mikes Knob Tower and the Red Oak Tower.
Lynnewood Hall is one of the most magnificent residences I have photographed. This 110-room Neoclassical Revival mansion, located in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, has stood vacant for several years but is now undergoing stabilization and renovations.
Located within Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Pennsylvania, the remains of the Pine Grove Iron Works can be found along Mountain Creek.
If you have ever driven down Interstate 68 in western Maryland, you have likely seen the unfinished Noah’s Ark.
While traveling back along the Pennsylvania Turnpike, I passed through a typical array of roadside establishments: declining motels, run-of-the-mill gas stations and convenience stores, and greasy spoon diners.
have long wanted to explore the northern reaches of New Jersey to capture some of its historical sites, particularly its iron furnaces.
A sleepy community lies at the southern terminus of the long-defunct Eastern Kentucky Railway in eastern Kentucky. At its center was the Sulphur Springs United Baptist Church.
When you drive through the rolling hills and valleys of Lebanon County today, it’s hard to imagine this pastoral setting was once a hub of industry and agricultural commerce. Centuries-old farmhouses and neatly tended fields give way to another modern behemoth–a mammoth distribution center seeming to rise up from the earth itself.
It has been 38 years since a train last rumbled through southeast Ohio’s Campbell and Eagle tunnels. Located near Ohio Route 32, one tunnel is accessible on foot while the other is sealed with concrete blocks.
The Shawnee Lookout Tower is a historic but endangered fire detection tower in Hocking County, Ohio.
The Pioneer Furnace stands as a vestige of the once-thriving iron industry that proliferated across the Hanging Rock Iron Region, encompassing southern Ohio, northeastern Kentucky, and western West Virginia.