A Gothic Revival Stunner

This stunning Gothic Revival residence in Ithaca, New York, was constructed in 1880. The long-vacant property served as Turback’s Restaurant for many years, and it closed in 1997. It was previously Chef Yeppi Presents and the Gables Inn restaurants.

The influence of English romanticism and the mass production of elaborate wooden millwork after the Industrial Revolution led to the construction of Gothic Revival residences in the mid-1800s. These types of houses are easy to spot, marked with “Gothic” windows with pointed arches, exposed framing timbers, steep, vaulted roofs, ornate wooden detailing on gables, windows, and door trims. Many contain fantastic colors, making any Gothic Revival-style building an easy showpiece.

Ithaca House

One Comment

  1. Maureen Hall
    June 20, 2022

    So sad! When it was Turback’s it was the perfect place to take our parents when they visited us in college!

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