Abandoned’s Kentucky Life Segment Nominated for an Emmy

The Abandoned segment that was featured on KET’s Kentucky Life in 2015 has been nominated for an Emmy.

Sixteen years ago, I started Abandoned to raise awareness of our historic structures in the Ohio River valley and to document as much as I can before these places are lost to time.

I have since expanded coverage to much of the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, and the South, exploring countless factories, residences, churches, and more. Along the way, I have met hundreds of amazing explorers, talented photographers, gracious landowners, and fellow enthusiasts who all share the same common idea of wanting to save these historic beauties before they meet the teeth of an excavator or wrecking ball.

I am humbled that the Abandoned segment on Kentucky Life – KET, which originally aired a year ago, has been nominated for an Emmy. This project has not been possible without the support of fans like you, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

One Comment

  1. Ryana
    June 9, 2016

    Congratulations, it is well deserved.

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