Abandoned Schools

A gallery of abandoned schools in the United States.



McMillian School

The McMillian School was constructed circa 1910 to serve students in McMillian, Michigan. In 1975, Charles Maclean founded the Tahquamenon Artesian Well Water Company in the former school. The company filtered water from an aquifer near the headwaters of the Tahquamenon River in the Hiawatha National Forest, which contained only 149 parts per million of total dissolved solids, making it one of the purest waters in the United States. After the business failed, Maclean leased the property and bottling equipment to Jim Anderson in 1992.

New York


Tull’s Hill School

Tull’s Hill, located along the Lincoln Highway six miles west of Bedford, Pennsylvania, is named after the Tull family, who was massacred by Native Americans in 1777. 1 A four-room school was built along the roadside circa 1913, which later became Foor’s Lincoln Outlet, a gift shop.





  1. Hickok, Charles N. “A Short History of Bedford County.” An Illustrated History of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by William H. Egle, 2nd ed., E.M. Gardner, 1880, p. 370.
  2. N/A
  3. N/A
  4. Hatcher, Thomas C. “Schools.” The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, McDowell County Historical Society, War, WV, 1995, pp. 284-285.

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