Broadway School

Broadway School is a former public school along Broadway in Hazard, Kentucky.

The Broadway School was constructed in 1912 as the first public high school in the city. 1 Prior to its completion, the county did not have any public high schools, which prompted the state legislature to pass a law requiring every county to have a high school, although attendance was optional.

A new high school was constructed on Baker Street in 1925. 1 2 The Broadway School building was reused as a grade school until it was replaced by the Roy G. Eversole School in 1963. The structure was then used as classroom space for the Hazard Community College until it moved to a new facility on the outskirts of town.

Broadway School building was then repurposed as office space for the Hazard Independent School District and Kentucky Valley Education Cooperative. 1 The School District relocated out of the building on October 16, 2006, 3 followed by the Cooperative in 2007. 2

In July 2012, the School District elected to sell the deteriorated Broadway School building so the new owners could demolish the structure. 1 It was purchased by the Housing Development Alliance for $1,000 on July 19, and the structure was razed to build new houses. 1 2



  1. Richards, Bailey. “School board elects to sell city’s first high school building.” Hazard Herald 20 Jul. 2012. Web. 8 May 2013. Article.
  2. Ritchie, Chris. “Public gives input on future of old school property.” Hazard Herald 18 Apr. 2013. Web. 8 May 2013. Article.
  3. Hudson, Katrina. “City school district relocates central office.” Hazard Herald 18 Oct. 2006. Web. 8 May 2013. Article.

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i went to the old broadway school in the first grade then roy g. eversole was built an i went there in the second grade before we move from we moved from hazard to fusonia where i went to viper elementrygrade school but i remember the old broad school well going up an down the side stairs an playing in front of the ole school an walking home an stoping a a ili store on the corner an my uncle had a bakrey behind the old court house an i played baseball at the old collin field for joey turner i think that was the coach name ..

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