Buckeye Furnace

The Buckeye Furnace was constructed in 1851-52 in the Hanging Rock Iron Region near Wellston, Ohio.

Buckeye Furnace, located within the Hanging Rock Iron Region near Keystone and Wellston, Ohio, was financed by Newkirk, Daniels & Company under the name Buckeye Furnace Company and constructed by Thomas Price 2 in 1851-52. 1 3 4 It was completed before the completion of the railroad in the county, with several hundred tons of iron being transported to Jackson in anticipation of the first freight train.

It initially featured a stack 34 feet high with a bosh 11 feet wide. 2 3 Fueled by charcoal, its hot air blast was powered by a steam engine which allowed for a daily capacity of 7½ tons operating 42 weeks out of the year. The stack was later raised to 34 feet in height which allowed for a daily capacity of 12 tons.

Buckeye Furnace changed ownership several times, being sold to H.S. Bundy in 1862, Perry Austin & Company in 1864, and Buckeye Furnace Company in 1867, 1 and remained in operation until 1894. 2 4

Directions: Buckeye Furnace is the centerpiece of Buckeye Furnace State Memorial near Wellston, Ohio.


Further Reading


  1. “Jackson County: Railroad Era Commences.” A Standard History of the Hanging Rock Iron Region of Ohio. Ed. Eugene B. Willard et al. Vol. 1. 1916. Marceline, MO: Walsworth, n.d. 453-456. Print.
  2. Rowe, Frank H. “Franklin Furnace.” History of the Iron and Steel Industry in Scioto County, Ohio. Columbus: F.J. Heer, 1938. 80-82. Print.
  3. Markiel, J. Old Industry 2006. Articles.
  4. Buckeye Furnace.” Ohio History Connection, 2021.

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