Caesar Creek Township School

Caesar Creek Township School is a closed school in Caesar Creek Township, Greene County, Ohio.

The building was constructed as a high school in 1908 and began serving elementary students in 1927. 1 A small addition was added in 1957 that included two classrooms, two indoor restrooms, and a combination gymnasium and auditorium. Caesar Creek closed in 1967 and was sold to George Gragsby, a local farmer. A minister attempted to convert the school into a private residence in 1969 but was unsuccessful in his attempts due to the local zoning code.




  1. Cornerstone.
  2. Gragsby, George. Personal interview. 29 Oct. 2011.


  1. September 16, 2016

    What were the zoning issues. Also what is the cost of the building and is there any existing acreage

  2. Chris
    August 13, 2013

    Why was he unsuccessful at it? Where can you find information on purchasing a building like this?

  3. Chris
    August 13, 2013

    Could you get one of these schools or buildings and purchase them?

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