McClung’s Mill

The McClung Mill is a disused gristmill in rural Monroe County, West Virginia.

McClung’s Mill was constructed in Craig County, Virginia, and the structure was relocated to Zenith, West Virginia, in the early 1900s by H. O. McClung and Homer Miller. 1 6 The operation was renovated into a one-system roller mill with corn buhrs and a feed mill, 6 fed by a flume from Dropping Lick Creek that flowed from a cave to turn a 26-foot overshot water wheel. 4 5 The water wheel was the second largest in the state. 5 Subsequently, McClung bought Miller’s interest and operated the facility for many years until retirement in the 1960s. 6

After its closure, McClung’s Mill fell into severe disrepair. 2 Spurred by sentiment and the condition of the structure, the Monroe County Historical Society leased the old mill from H.O. McClung in 1971 4 and spent $6,000 to stabilize and restore the mill which required the construction of a new foundation and a new dam to eliminate poor drainage around the mill. 3

After years of being idle, the water wheel was able to be turned again in October 1973 after searching for months for proper bearings to repair it. 5



  1. Attractions in and around Monroe.” Monroe County Tourism, 2019.
  2. Donnelly, Shirley. “McClung’s Mill, Zenith, Being Restored.” Beckley Post-Herald, 14 Feb. 1972, p. 4.
  3. Hodel, Emile J. “Monroe Mill Graces Magazine Cover.” Beckley Post-Herald, 15 Mar. 1974, p. 4.
  4. “Monroe Historical Group Cleans Mill, Holds Picnic.” Beckley Post-Herald, 21 Jul. 1971, p. 6.
  5. “Wheel at McClung’s Mill Is In Operation Again.” Beckley Post-Herald, 5 Oct. 1973, p. 12.
  6. Motley, Charles B., editor, Roland E. Ballard. “Zenith.” Gleanings of Monroe County, West Virginia History, Commonwealth Press, Radford, VA, 1973, pp. 175-176.

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