Paris Tuberculosis Hospital is a former tuberculosis hospital that operated between 1950 and the 1970s in Paris, Kentucky.
In 1945, the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Kentucky Tuberculosis Sanatoria Commission acquired a tract of land on the north side of Paris with the goal of developing a sanatorium for tuberculosis patients. 2 The site selected was ideal because of its abundance of fresh air and trees atop a small hill. It was believed that a combination of fresh air and rest aided in the recuperation of patients that had contracted tuberculosis, an infectious and contagious disease.
The state provided $2.7 million towards the administrative and operational costs of the hospitals, which included regional complexes in London, Glasgow, Madisonville, and Paris. 2 It was generally agreed that the facilities being built would later be turned over to the counties for use as district state hospitals or as general charity hospitals.
The Paris Tuberculosis Hospital, the third dedicated tuberculosis treatment facility in the state, was dedicated during a ceremony that included 1,500 guests on June 14, 1950. 1 Patient applications began to be processed on July 1 and the first admissions were handled on July 24.
The development of the drug streptomycin led to a dramatic decline in tuberculosis rates and deaths in the United States. 1 Most of the state tuberculosis hospitals in the state, including Paris, closed in the late 1970s. In the 1980s, it was proposed to convert the shuttered hospital into an apartment complex for the elderly. After remaining abandoned for several decades, the Paris Tuberculosis Hospital was demolished in 2012.

- “Paris, Bourbon County Welcome Tuberculosis Hospital.” Bourbon County Citizen (Paris) 15 March 1989. 3 Dec. 2007: 15.
- United States. Dept. of the Interior. Ashland Tuberculosis Hospital. Comp. Johan Graham. Washington: National Park Service, Oct. 2007.
My father Brady Whitt was there in the early 70s, not sure how long but he was in his early 40s then. He lived to be 83 yrs old. I took him and we drove by there right before it was torn down. I remember going there as a child an played on the playground, us kids never went inside the hospital.
2023: my name is William rackey is it true that many staff and people died in the hospital and they also said that if you went to the third floor you would never be seen again
Hello Brenda, this is Diane Simpao. Spouse was an MD. There from 1965 to 1970.
Am new with computer.Hope not to lose connections with you.
I was there in 1977 for five days a week with Histoplasmoses. If memory serves me correct, the fourth floor was for the Histoplasmoses patients and the third floor and second floor was for TB patients. I think the second floor had the dining room and the craft room. Bottom floor was doctor offices and morgue. My doctor was a Iranian that everyone called Dr. Taha. He was a very kind and skilled doctor.
Amazing how much this looks like the Glasgow hospital. My Dad worked there from the mid 50’s until retirement in the 1980’s. It had been converted to the State Mental Hospital.
The structure has been torn down and rebuilt.
Hello Angela.Today is Jan 29/2018.just saw your note.I lived there from July,1965 until 1970. My husband was a Dr. there.My goals have been similar to yours.
Dr.Zapolski was the the time.His dear wife,Elsie came down with a rampant breast ca.At their request,after getting children to school,I would go bath,feed her,I was prg at time.As she would suffer so, he would give her a shot for pain.While the baby lept in my womb,my dear friend was dying.
Many other true accounts Many troubled Drs.Seemed I was a Mom to them.
Wherever I ve lived,travelled ,have interacted with the troubled deceased.
I was a patient there in 1962. I could tell you many things about the hospital. The people there saved my life. If you would be interested in talking to me my phone no. Is 606-584-7433.
Ruth- I am interested in hearing about your experiences at the hospital. I live in downtown Paris KY and while the structure no longer stands, I am going to find the grounds it was on to help cleanse the deceased, as I am a psychic medium who “like the tv show Ghost Whisperer” helps the trapped spirits cross over. Especially the children…. I would like to know if you are aware of any cemetery that was on the grounds at the time. Thank you I am happy that you were saved from TB! I am sure it was quite a frightening experience. Blessings
Hello my name is Will,
I am an Urban Explorer or adventurer for short.i have read a few articles on this place and am interested in exploring. Anything you could tell me. Thanks Will
My name is Ruth Clark. I was a patient there in 1962. I was there from March 28,1962 until Dec. 9, 1962. That hospital saved my life. I had T B in both lungs. There 3 floors of patients. I can. tell you many things about the hospital.
Does any one the exact location of this building? i live in the nashville Tn area I know of the Paris area but not this location, I am doing an art project for my portfolio and would love to photograph this beautful building? Thank you
Here is the location: <a href=",+KY&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=59.119059,135.263672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Paris,+Bourbon,+Kentucky&ll=38.223545,-84.244629&spn=0.003637,0.008256&t=h&z=18" rel="nofollow">Google Map, but it is not accessible due to its location next to a juvenile detention center and school.
i was once a patient at that hospital i was treated for histoplasmoses when i was 7 or 8 years old there waw a man that played cards with me every night and they put on a christmas play i was the only child in the hospital at that time they got me a baby that away they tried to find me a table and chairs ,and one of the nurses made me a raggedy andy doll my mother got to come see me once a week and the little man would come and play some form of cards with or he would read too me as well as the nurses would and i havent forgot it and im 43 getting ready to turn44 im thankful that i had strangers to care about as well as my own family if ti had not for sam i would not be able to talk about it now he always told me he d be with me i was a lucky little girl . its amazing what u remember when u were a young girl u never forget kindness and love for others especially the dr and sam.
Hello My Name Is Brenda:
And I recently moved here to Paris Kentucky I have An big Interest In Researching, the History of The TB Hospital Of Paris, Bourbon County.. I would Be highly Interested in knowing If you have any more Information and Pictures of the Doctors And Nurses & Staff also of the Patients of the hospital.. I Am doing a research and study of the desease of Tuberculosis and so living here in Kentucky this Is a Honor to me, If You Can help me I would really Appreciate your help.
Thank You
Brenda Vreede
P.S. I would also like to know How I could become a voulnteer of the Historic Society?