Sweet Springs Resort

Sweet Springs is a former springs resort, sanatorium, hospital and nursing home in rural eastern West Virginia.


John Lewis, born in Donegal, Ireland in 1678, fled to America in the late 1720s after he had killed an oppressive landlord who had murdered his brother. 16 John, along with his sons William, Andrew, and Charles, first scouted the Sweet Springs valley in 1754.

The first permanent settler in the Sweet Springs, Virginia valley was James Moss, who erected a cabin at Sweet Springs in 1760. 7 16 Moss, who held no title to the land, was forced to vacate in 1774 when King George III gave a land grant to William Lewis, brother of General Andrew Lewis, who commanded the Virginia militia at the Battle of Point Pleasant and of Charles Lewis who died in that battle, and son of John Lewis, founder of Augusta County, Virginia. 18

William initially built a two-story cabin at Sweet Chalybeate (formerly known as Red Springs) about a mile from Sweet Springs 18 but moved to Sweet Springs in 1784. 1 4 16 18 The first record of a visitor to the resort was in 1790, but accommodations consisted of just a few log cabins. 18

Eager to see the area developed, William offered to provide a home to a district court representing Botetourt, Greenbrier, Kanawha, and Montgomery counties 4 and constructed a courthouse and jail in 1795, which were used as guests quarters in the off-season and the first circuit court session. 16 It had been proposed to develop Fortville, which would have included an elaborate courthouse at its center, but those plans never came to fruition.

William divided 438 acres of his farm between Sweet and Red Springs between his sons John and Charles on October 25, 1804, and turned over the Sweet Springs property to his son, John B. Lewis, by 1805. 18 The resort began to blossom with an influx of tourists from Washington D.C. and other towns who were attracted to the reported healing waters. 4 Doctors claimed that the waters could cure everything from arthritis to depression.

The last circuit court session at Sweet Springs was held in 1817. 7 16

John enlisted the services of Thomas Jefferson to design a hotel for Sweet Springs, with the plans being completed before Jefferson’s death in 1826. Construction started on the 90,000 square-foot building in 1834 and completed in 1839. 3 18 It featured full brick construction with a fully exposed basement, a pedimented gable roof, a five-part facade with three monumental tetrastyle pedimented Tuscan porticoes above the arcade. 17 The interior contained a dining room 160-feet long and drawing rooms and dancing rooms at either end of the first floor, 36 bedrooms on the second floor. 17 18

Over the years, five brick guest cottages were constructed, along with a ballroom, a brick bathhouse, and several dwellings for slaves. 1 The guest cottages were eloquently known as the “Five Sisters.” 4 16

Famous visitors to Sweet Springs included George and Martha Washington, General Lafayette, Jerome Bonaparte, Patrick Henry, Robert E. Lee, and Presidents Pierce and Fillmore. 20

The resort was sold in 1852 after John incurred large personal debt. 4 18 19 After the debts were not paid on time, various tracts were sold and Oliver Beirne, General John Echols, and Senator Allen Taylor Caperton became the owners of the Sweet Springs tract on August 18, 1852. 18 The trio proposed the construction of additional cottages and another hotel building which were never completed as the resort closed in 1860. 7 16 19

Sweet Springs did not operate during the Civil War, and it struggled to regain its popularity afterward. The resort was sold to Charles C. Lewis, Jr. on December 15, 1903 nad passed into the hands of his son, John D. Lewis, on February 7, 1917. 18

Closure and Reuse

Sweet Springs Resort closed for several years beginning in 1928, 4 5 went into receivership in 1930, 7 16 and was sold several times before being acquired by D.M. Taylor of Roanoke to be converted into a tuberculosis sanatorium in 1941. 1 4 16 18

After the venture was not successful, it was sold to the state in 1943 for $150,000 7 to be converted into a home for the elderly. 18 The complex reopened in 1945 as the Andrew S. Rowan Memorial Home, named after a resident of a nearby village who was the deliver of the “message to Garcia” during the Spanish-American War. 7 Renovations to the complex costing nearly $150,000 were undertaken by the state in 1945, with other improvements happening in 1947 and 1949. 17 A rear addition was added in 1950, and renovations were conducted between 1972 and 1975. 20 Two three-story wings, designed by Henry Elden & Associates and constructed by the Kuhn Construction Company, were added in 1974. 8

The Andrew Rowan Memorial Home closed in 1993. The state donated the property to Monroe County which had planned to convert the site into an addiction treatment facility. 12 Although the county borrowed $1.3 million from the Bank of White Sulphur Springs, the plan never came to fruition and the county defaulted on the loan.

The shuttered resort turned nursing home was sold at auction on December 2, 1995 11 to Dr. Vasu Arora of Grundy, Virginia.12 Arora had expressed interest in bottling water on the site, processing food, and reopening the buildings into a nursing home or resort, although the proposal never came to fruition because of a lack of financial resources.

The West Virginia Division of Culture and History designated Sweet Springs as one of West Virginia’s most valuable and endangered historic resources in 2005. 4 Vacant and deteriorating, the Division was concerned with the spring house, which was in a state of collapse.

Warren D. Smith, owner of Fredericksburg’s Chrismarr Realty and a member of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, inquired about purchasing the resort in 2002 and eventually acquired the property for less than the $10 million that the site was appraised for. 4 Smith proposed bottling the water at Sweet Springs for sale and develop a resort on the site.

Toward that goal, Smith founded the Sweet Springs Management Company to bottle and sell Sweet Spring’s water under the Sweet Sommer label. 4 6 The water, noted for its fresh taste and natural carbonation, was ranked among the top 10 at the International Water Tasting Festival in January 2008. 4 It is the only water from the United States to have won international taste contests four times.

Construction bids to stabilize the collapsing bathhouse were requested in September 2007 with work to be completed by May 2008. 14 All work was to be completed to the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for Rehabilitation and involve installing temporary bracing to stop the structural collapse and develop permanent solutions that could be implemented in phases for total reconstruction of the bathhouse.

On October 11, the state leased 625 acres adjacent to Sweet Springs for 80 years to Smith, 2 4 who had developed plans of a golf course on the grounds of an abandoned 19th-century course, an amphitheater, skiing facilities, stables, a shooting range, gardens and orchards, a vineyard and other attractions on the leased property, with a long-range plan to restore the existing resort buildings as a “showcase for historic preservation and economic development.” 2 19 In keeping with the rural nature of the region, Smith assured that he had no plans for residential development near the resort. 4 Although financial difficulties prohibited the completion of his vision, the bathhouse was partly demolished and stabilized, and two of the “Five Sisters” were renovated and rented out to overnight guests. Damaged windowpanes were replaced with handblown replicas, and the railings along the piazza and stairs were replaced with hand-turned replacements. 19

After Warren Smith died in November 2010, the property languished until it was auctioned to Ashby Berkley for $560,000 9 on November 12, 2015. 10 Work has already begun on repairs to the complex, including a restored slate tile roof on the main building, repairing or replacing gutters and downspouts, and restoring to active use one wing of the main building. Long-term plans include further stabilization work on the bathhouse. 15






  1. Steelhammer, Rick. “W.VA’s Heritage in Jeopardy: Most endangered historic places list created to secure dozens of sites.” Sunday Gazette-Mail (Charleston) 11 Dec. 2005: 1A.
  2. “State leases Monroe property to resort developer.” Herald-Dispatch (Huntington) 12 Oct. 2007. 12 Oct. 2007 Article.
  3. “Ann Royall/Sweet Springs.” West Virginia Archives & History. 2007. West Virginia Division of Culture and History. 12 Oct. 2007 Article.
  4. Clauson-Wicker, Su. “Sweet Dreams: Longtime mineral-springs spa resort is being rejuvenated.” Free Lance-Star 8 March 2008. 15 Dec. 2008 Article.
  5. “The History of “Old Sweet.” Old Sweet Springs. 16 Dec. 2008 Article.
  6. “Property Lease Opens Door for Redevelopment of Historic Resort.” West Virginia Department of Agriculture 11 Oct. 2007. 16 Dec. 2008 Article.
  7. United States. Dept. of the Interior. Old Sweet Springs. Comp. Clifford M. Lewis, S.J. Washington: National Park Service, n.d. West Virginia Division of Culture and History. Web. 16 Dec. 2013. Article.
  8. Plaque.
  9. Hodousek, Carrie. “Sweet Springs Resort price $560,000.” Metro News 11 Nov. 2015. 10 Dec. 2015. Article.
  10. Todd, Roxy. “Jeffersonian Springs Resort in W.Va. Sells for $560,000.” West Virginia Public Broadcasting 12 Nov. 2015. 10 Dec. 2015. Article.
  11. “Historic W.Va. hotel going up for auction.” Free Lance-Star 25 Oct. 1995. 10 Dec. 2015.
  12. “Va. doctor buys historic W.Va. resort.” Free Lance-Star 5 Dec. 1995. 10 Dec. 2015.
  13. “Jefferson’s mark not on this house.” Free Lance-Star 14 Oct. 1994. 10 Dec. 2015.
  14. “Business Opportunity.” Mountain Messenger 29 Sept. 2007. 10 Dec. 2015.
  15. Projects.” Sweet Springs Resort Park.
  16. United States. Dept. of the Interior. Old Sweet Springs. Comp. Clifford M. Lewis. Washington: National Park Service. West Virginia Division of Culture and History.
  17. Logan, Frances. The Old Sweet – Biography of a Spring. Roanoke, Va., 1940.
  18. Spellman, Lynn and Jim Glanville. “History of Sweet Springs, West Virginia.” Lynnside, 2017.
  19. Register, Julie. “Sweet Springs in Monroe County, West Virginia.” Discover Spas, 2015.
  20. Meador, Michael M. “Sweet Springs.” e-WV: The West Virginia Encyclopedia. 18 June 2018.


  1. Ted Lawson
    August 13, 2023

    I. Toured Sweet Springs about 10 years ago to see about its reconstruction my information was when turned into a Rest home state filled it with asbestos the removal would have made it to costly.
    Ted Lawson CEO National Travel Inc.

  2. Bernard Moore Williams
    December 15, 2020

    Water of all types has been a fascination of mine since childhood & it runs in my family; every thing from being on the blue water ocean to springs like Capon & The Homestead Hotels & many others in our world. Our visit to The Sweet 5 or 10 years ago was a thrill, but we were unable to Take The Waters! What a disapointment. Why not get the Springs open to draw people & work from there?

  3. Clayton Gheen
    December 2, 2019

    I love that beautiful place! We ride by there several times a year. I always wonder what it was like in it’s glory days! I was wondering about the beautiful old Georgian brick home across the road and south a few hundred yards. Does anyone know any history, or a name I could look up? Thanks.

  4. Shawn
    March 26, 2018

    What are the current plans for the Sweet Springs Resort property? I have passed right by it three times in the past 3 weeks going to Snowshoe,WV from Blacksburg,VA. Such a nice place, but the outdoor “bathing pool” really looks run down. The potential of this place seems extremely promising. I had no idea what this place was, so I was determined to “Google” and here I am. Very curious about his property!

  5. Cleo
    August 11, 2017

    Susan Wilcox Hubard Maury died around 31 October 1829, and there follow letters and papers about the settlement of her estate. Concern for Louisiana (Lou) Hubard is evidenced in the letters of her brothers, following their mother’s death. In October 1832, Edmund Wilcox Hubard took her to Sweet Springs, Va., where Robert Thruston Hubard joined them after Lou became very ill. After a short time, she died and was buried there. There are letters of condolences, among them one from Martha Burke Jones Eppes. Is there a cemetery there with a marker for her?

  6. Susan Lea Rudd
    May 17, 2017

    In the picture from “circa 1974” the calendar on the wall by the bathroom wall says 1993.

  7. Darrien Beirne
    March 4, 2017

    I’m a dear relative of Oliver Beirne, whom owned Sweet Springs for a period of time.

    • Tom Gorman
      August 30, 2023

      Our GGs Dr. James Lewis and Mary Ann Breckinridge Woodville owned Glen Cary with 1500 acres that adjoined Lynnside and Old Sweet. 5th GGs Dr. William Lynn and Ann Montgomery Lewis started it all there.

  8. Charles Hayes mann
    November 7, 2016

    Visited my grandad Wilbur Hayes mann there in early 50s until he returned to Princeton WV; he was resident in double room and stayed there 2 or three years- l remember the white uniforms of the attendants

  9. G. Frazier
    July 8, 2016

    Incredible Photos. We were so happy to find them after stumbling upon the resort on our recent trip to the Greenbrier.
    Can we talk about the scary guy in the bathtub?

  10. Darrold Comber
    June 25, 2016

    I know it extremely well, my family grew up not only on the property where it is but a house directly across the street from it , I spent countless summers spending my childhood when out of school in Washington, D.C. fishing or target shooting on my grandparents property just across from it. I have fond memories of it and most of my family is buried in sweet springs just up the road in the cemetary. Darrold Comber York, Pa.

  11. Marcia
    June 23, 2016

    We just seen Sweet Springs for the first time. This is when I wish I had Donald Trump’s money, I would restore her back to her grandeur.we need to save beutiful buildings like this one.

    • May 12, 2016

      Thank you Linda! It seems that the new owner(s) are fans of the page as well! I’ll reach out to them – I’d love to do before-and-after composites of this historic site.

  12. Carli
    May 22, 2016

    I live in Covington, and have always been interested in this place.. My mothers grandmother used to be a resident in the old folks home when that’s what it was. She said she would go there to visit all the time and there were little fountains outside with gold fish in them, and the swimming pool was always full of people.. She said it did always give her a creepy vibe even as a child when it was a very alive place. I would love to see the inside of it!

  13. Lois Ann Carter Richardson
    May 3, 2016

    I’ve always been mesmerized by the beautiful SS Resort. As a child I passed it hundreds of times with my parents on the way to visit my dad’s sister, Sallie Carter Moody, in Covington, VA. It has a haunting, melancholy feel; conjuring up ghostly scenes of elegantly costumed ladies playing croquet on the lawn under those stately old trees. I am overjoyed to hear of the new owner’s plans to restore this treasure. Can’t wait to see this happen.

  14. LaDonna Adkins
    April 29, 2016

    My Uncle worked in maintenance there and he lived in one of the houses when he still had kids at home. He later moved into one of the brick buildings right beside the main building until he retired. I loved going to the Andrew S. Rowan home to visit, to sing with the chorus and I worked a summer job there. I have always loved the building and the grounds. Mom and I where actually talking about the building this morning and I was telling her that I am so excited that it looks like the building and grounds will actually be brought back to life now. I am wishing the new owner the best of luck, I can’t wait to see the end results.

  15. Beverly (Schumaker) Martin
    April 29, 2016

    I grew up living on the grounds of Old Sweet Springs. It was the Andrew S. Rowan Memorial Home at that time. My father was the Maintenance Supervisor there for many years until his retirement and my grandfather was a Maintenance Supervisor there prior to my father. My family had ties to Old Sweet Springs even before this as my grandmother did laundry for guests when it was a hotel and my aunt Polly would go there with grandma when she picked up and delivered laundry. It was a wonderful place to visit and to live. I was in the buildings many, many times during my growing up years. I had a newspaper route and delivered papers to the residents and workers during my jr. high and high school years. I had a couple of special ladies whom I considered my friends who resided there. My husband’s grandmother was a resident there for a couple of years after we left the area and moved to Oklahoma. We would visit her there when we returned to the area for vacations. Before my husband and I moved to Oklahoma, we also lived in a house on the farm part of the property while he was working in Maintenance there. I learned to swim in the pool when I was a child. My childhood friends and I played on the grounds under the beautiful big old trees, rode our bicycles around the roads on the grounds, and played in the woods and fields. It was a wonderful place to grow up. I have a special love for this Grand Old Lady and would love to see her brought back to life.

    • Cindy R.
      April 15, 2017

      The picture in the bathtub? Who is that? Or is it an old picture?

  16. Tracie Shrader Flack
    April 28, 2016

    The site has been repurchased recently and is being evaluated for restoration. Facebook has a page called “Friends of the Sweet” if anyone is interested in following progress!

  17. Gloria Fridley
    April 20, 2016

    I would love to know what Mr. Berkly’s plan are for Sweet Springs. I’ve met him a couple times thru doing antiques and I’m sure his love of old things will make him want to restore it. I love this place and can just see it in it’s grand old days. Please someone keep this page updated as the changes take place there.

  18. Eden
    March 18, 2016

    Who is overseeing the facility I would like to contact them about acquiring it

  19. Estelle Rice
    February 2, 2016

    On 11-11-2015 it was auctioned off for $560.000
    We are all wanting to know what the new owner has in store…. Or restore!

  20. Tammy Hupcej
    February 1, 2016

    I would love to own this place it is so Beautiful and has a lot of history. I would fix it up an keep it the way they had it. Not change a thing. I would be in Heaven to have this property an buildings in my family. They would be so beautiful an so would the land it sits on.

  21. Gloria
    January 5, 2016

    So I see that Mr. Berkly has purchased the old Sweet. Does anyone know what his intentions are? I would love to see this place make a come back!

  22. Karen
    December 29, 2015

    Decided to take the scenic route home from Clayton, NC to Huntington, WV. Instead of the four lane slab we took 220 north out of Greensboro, NC to 311 north to I64 in White Sulfur Springs, WV when we stumbled across Sweet Springs. Wow!! Beautiful place even in its dismay. What a beautiful place it must have been in its’ day.

  23. Estelle Rice
    November 12, 2015

    Today I heard on the radio that it sold for $560k. The auctioneer was Joe Pyle of Bridgeport WV where I live.
    I also have gone by and walked the grounds and videoed the “Old Sweet” last Fall.
    My parents and grandparents were from near by Covington,Va and when I was a young girl I would go with them on those Sunday rides. We would drive up to a restaurant called the Eagles Nest then go over to Sweet Springs. It was empty then,that was 50 years ago.
    She is a beautiful place and is on life support . I sure hope she gets revived by whom ever bought her….

  24. Kathy
    November 12, 2015

    I have an Old Sweet Springs pin from around the 1920’s when it was a resort. Anyone know if it has any value?

  25. mar
    October 29, 2015

    Who owns the property now and dies anyone know how to contact them

  26. Sid Shumate
    October 27, 2015

    I see references numbers on many of the statements in this article, but no reference section below. How is it accessed? Several of the historical statements and dates are inaccurate and /or incomplete. I am a Monroe county native, who has spent many years living in Virginia, including in Charlottesville, Haymarket, and currently Harrisonburg, who has had a hobby of researching the history of the construction of Sweet Springs, and of the Jefferson and Lewis families, who have multi-generational ties to Sweet Springs. You give a completion date, for example, in the late 1830’s, yet the Hotel and its dining room were described in a travelogue published in 1835, describing a tour of the area springs in late 1834. The dining room was described as not yet plastered, but in full use, by Peregrine Prolix in his book; and it remained that way until many years later. The property will be auctioned off on November 12, 2015.

  27. ted mcmeekin
    October 27, 2015

    it is up for auction—see this week “Monroe Watchman” newspaper

  28. Marlania Krouse
    October 25, 2015

    Would you be willing to sell a shutter off the bath house?

    • B Williams
      July 2, 2016

      Couldn’t agree more. I was immediately overcome with a sense of melancholy while visiting this property in the late 1990’s; even on a bright and sunny spring day. Restoration would be fascinating, but I think RIP is the appropriate course for Old Sweet. I remember walking the grounds for about an hour, the entire time wanting desperately to leave. But something wouldn’t let me. Some otherworldly force kept beckoning me to stay and visit. I’m not into the paranormal at all, but that experience had a profound effect on me. Never experienced anything like that before or since.

  29. S Wrzos
    October 19, 2015

    Was student at VPI in Blacksburg thru to mid 80’s, and went by this place a couple times w/ friends back then. main building was inhabited by rest home then, but tertiary structures in some to great disrepair. However, bath house structure w/ cubicles in ‘horseshoe’ around the external natural spring access was intact, and we could walk up the edge of the opening thru the limestone paving surrounding the opening to the spring source. I clearly recall the octagonal shape of this opening, this stillness of the visible water, and also that it had an almost vicousness in appearance. There were a series of slow, individual bubbles that emanated from depths, ascended to surface, and then burst/dissipated. A couple of these bubbles were rather large, globelike even. At one point I turned to my companion and said to him that I expected to see a hand emerge, reaching up to surface, with arm disappearing in the depths, since even tho first few inches had some clarity, that diminished quickly w/ depth murkiness increased.
    I am familiar w/ several of these old traditional ‘waters’ along these valleys in western VA & in the portions of WVa adjacent, Most are just old places, even if abandoned. This place had a true spirit of melancholy, which was brought up to me by my companion independent of my own impression. Due to pics of more recent state of repair, possibly RIP is better course for Sweet Springs.

  30. Tyler
    October 6, 2015

    Does anyone know who owns the place now and what their plans are for it? I had never heard of it until I drove by the other day and then started some research. I would like to investigate purchasing the property and getting some restoration efforts going. I do not have all the funds necessary to restore it but would be likely able to buy it and spearhead a restoration effort. Any information is appreciated!

  31. Brooke
    July 6, 2015

    Drove past this beautiful place today. I wish we could have explored the grounds. So sad to see this piece of history falling apart.

  32. Haley
    July 6, 2015

    Just drove by this hidden treasure, today. With the state in financial trouble as is, I doubt they’ll be preserving it. Someone needs to get Glenn Beck aware of this place since he’s a lover of Mr. Jefferson and preserving history. I’m sure he can get someone on board to save the place faster than the state ever would. So sad to see this place falling apart.

  33. G. Fridley
    July 5, 2015

    I lived down the road from the Sweet on the VA side for a short while. I loved going to walk around the grounds and I took some wonderful pictures. Was so sad to see it in such bad shape. If you take the road thru the grounds and go to the back field, there is an old cemetery. I just wish the state would do something with it. It’s a grand old place.

  34. Cindy Lewis
    July 3, 2015

    I am quite sure the claim that Queen Victoria stayed there is untrue as I can find no information that she ever visited North America.

  35. W. Walton
    June 30, 2015

    This was an alcohol and drug treatment center in the early 90’s. A friend worked here and I wish I had gone to see it then. I would love to see inside it. I believe money could be raised by allowing tour like Jefferson’s Forrest was done and fixed up as money was raised. Sounds like some things were done.

  36. Deric Bell
    June 30, 2015

    Please save!!

  37. C.Sculrud
    June 29, 2015

    I’ve lived in this area for 23 years…and it’s a shame that it’s not having any repairs to it…and just sitting there decaying..the bathhouse is a mess. These pictures are old. Need new updated pictures to show what has become of this beautiful hotel.

  38. Don Brinkley
    May 24, 2015

    The state housed mental patients there for a number of years late 40’s to early 50’s. We visited my grandfather Scott there several times each summer. They had white benches under those big trees. It was so beautiful and cool in summer. I was 6 to maybe 9 at the time. I was never in any buildings. He was then moved to the state mental farm at Barboursville WV. We were never back after he moved. It really pains me to think they are going to let a jewel like this rot away. But I can only imagine the cost to restore it but at least stabilize it . I have made one previous post on this site that has never shown up.

  39. Don Brinkley
    May 23, 2015

    For a while in the late 40s and early 50s the state had mental patients there. I remember visiting my grandfather there several times when I was 8/9 years old. He was a mental patent because of something that happened in the mines in Maxine, WV. Mother would take food and we would have a picnic on a white bench under those big trees. It was a very beautiful place. He was there a few years then transferred to the state mental farm in Barboursville, WV. It looks like they are going let it slowly go away. Shame. That place should be saved but I can’t imaging what restoration would cost.

  40. Mollie Alexander
    April 6, 2015

    Is this a free for all to explore the grounds or off limits?? I’m a paranormal investigator and would LOVE to be allowed to explore. PLEASE let me know some how!

  41. June 30, 2014

    3129 Wentworth Ave., NW

    Some friends and I happened by this majestice building and were so enthralled with the beauty of the building. Still, even as it is in need of repair, we were just so taken with it. It is such a shame that the state does not save this old, wonderful building. One friend remarked that if she had the financial means to do so, that would be something she would want to spend her money on. At least someone is mowing the grass, and keeping it from overtaking the place completely. The grass and the trees were so green. WEST VIRGINIA/VIRGINIA, SAVE THIS PROPERTY. (I believe the actual buildings are in West Virginia.)

  42. Bill Phillipy
    May 27, 2014

    If one becomes consumed with travel and exploration of historic property throughout the ‘lower 48’ states……a visit to ‘Sweet Springs’ makes such an impact, that other splendid artifacts are regrouped as to their splendor in comparison. It is both a insult to the passage of time, and a disgrace to the complexion of West Virginia, that decay has become the greater percentage of this wonderful property.

  43. March 6, 2014

    I visited this site several times in the late 1980s. It was under the care of Monroe County at the time, I believe, and there were several parties interested in considering it for development — one as a chemical dependency treatment facility, and others as a resort of some sort. I am a writer today, following a long career in journalism and public relations, and I’d love to learn more — both of its history and what might happen to it as time goes by. If you have any thoughts, I’d love to hear from you.

  44. Susan Murphy
    February 15, 2014

    My great grandfather was a resident there in the 1970’s. I had great memories there while visiting from Maryland. Want to bring my children by to show them the beautiful area.

  45. February 7, 2014

    In the 1976 I was a chef apprentice at The Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.
    On one of my days off from the resort I drove a few miles to Sweet Springs Retirement Home and
    walked up the steps and talked to several retired residents that were sitting in rocking chairs on that
    long porch. It was a beautiful August afternoon and the sun was warm and the trees leaves were
    blocking some of the sunlight (so green), I remember it vividly. I entered thru the wooden double front
    doors which were blocked open to the small lobby and explained my interest in seeing their historic
    kitchen to the kind women working behind the desk. I was given a personal tour and the chef was kind
    and patient ………….as I left the kitchen I remember him saying best success in my culinary career.

  46. Dale Allemeier
    January 12, 2014

    I Live in Peterstown WV, And one of many ho would love to see the inside. If some could write me and let me know. I would appreciate it.

  47. Renee Gutshall
    November 8, 2013

    Can anyone tell me how Miss Rebecca Parke Farley Carter died here in October of 1839? (Date may be incorrect)

  48. mike miller
    September 21, 2013

    Happened by this gem yesterday on way home from a hike to McAfee Knob, west of Roanoke. Someone must certainly know its status. The county will know the tax situation.

  49. Bruce McConihe
    September 13, 2013

    My Grandfather DeMoss Taylor of Roanoke, VA was the last owner of this beautiful property before he sold it to the state for tax reasons. My mother (now deceased) told us about grand summer weekend house parties at Sweet Springs where peacocks would roamed the grounds and dances were held in the main ballroom. I used to have a spindel bed from Sweet Springs but I still own a sofa that came from SS. In addition, I have an old pamplet describing SS and contains some pictures (including my sofa). About eight years ago, I stopped by SS and was dismayed by its condition–so sad!
    Sweet Bee

    • Bruce McConihe
      September 13, 2013

      Why does it need moderation?

  50. Paula
    September 7, 2013

    Went by there today. Have been fascinated with this beautiful building. Found several articles on line about the history of this once Spa. So very sad to see it just waste away. Must have been something. Would love to get in it but I am sure that wouldn’t be safe.

  51. Debbie
    August 9, 2013

    Beautiful place. Happened upon it yesterday.

  52. howard epling
    August 7, 2013

    I was by there today—8-7-13. This place is so beautiful and it is hard for me to understand why our government sends millions to other countries and lets out old priceless buildings fall down. Yes it will take a lot to put it back to where it was when it was in it’s prime but goodness, with what smith was going to do, it would have been a place like no other!!


  53. kim
    July 24, 2013

    heard it was haunted.

  54. Betsy
    June 23, 2013

    Hoping to get up there and check it out in next few weeks. Any word on how to possibly get in?

  55. March 25, 2013

    Does anyone know who I could contact to get in the building?

  56. Jerry
    February 14, 2012

    II was there over Thanksgiving 2011. There does not appear to be any activity in the form of restoration. I was interested in the history as I had recently found that my grandfather had died there in 1949. The main building though in need of care still seems to be structurally sound. Would anyone know where I might find where the old records from the place are kept? Thanks, Jerry from St Louis.

  57. William Baxter
    August 30, 2011

    I drove by and explored a bit this past weekend, it is an impressive place for sure. To restore it to any level of possiblity will be an epic undertaking. It is remote and without another primary draw to the area…….. The surrounding area is awesome with its meadows and hills about. The long veranda is massive and would be pure magic for anyone to see. Hope it can be fixed up but with public dollars, that would be impossible.

  58. July 21, 2011

    I drive by this many times a month. It's a beautiful gem, I have to agree, but the place is filled with abestos. Therefore, you'll have to be a millionare/billionare to restore the whole thing. My grandmother actually did go there to sing Christmas Carols to the elderly while they were in the nursing home stage. She said that she could remember a huge room with marble floors. Just thought I'd share that information with you.

  59. djp
    July 8, 2011

    Warren Smith died, and I have no clue what they are going to do with this place now.

  60. June 12, 2011

    Shame. Well, given the lukewarm response I was given the last time – that the grounds were not manicured enough (it wasn't overgrown), I wasn't about to pay those particular individuals another visit. Do they still work out of the white building in the back or run an office out of a cottage?

    I haven't been able to find any articles on this, but let's hope that the location is at least secure.

  61. June 11, 2011

    It must no longer be under renovations. Your photos while only a year old, so this place in better shape than I saw it today. Those same flags are there, but completely shredded, with grass over grown everywhere and it looking as though it has fallen back into a state of disrepair.

    I was just driving when I stumbled on this gem out in the middle of no where and was fascinated by it.

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