Plibricore Refractories

Plibricore Refractories is a former fire brick factory in Oak Hill, Ohio.

The Plibrico Jointless Fire Brick Company was founded in 1928 in Chicago, Illinois, and then purchased the Hitchcock-owned fire brick plant six miles southwest of Oak Hill.

The Oak Hill plant was used to produce new refractory specialties that consisted of high-temperature cement for bricklaying purposes, unfired clay materials referred to as plastic fire bricks, castables, and other products. 1 Plibricore leased the brick kilns at Cedar Heights, where it produced insulating aggregate and refractory cast blocks in 1969. 2



  1. Davis, Eric E. E-Mail to the author. (Eric is the webmaster of the DT&I Historical Page.)
  2. Davis, Evan Edward. “Plibrico Company.” Industrial History of Oak Hill, Ohio. N.p.: n.p., 1973. 47. Print.

1 Comment

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My grandfather James Johnston travelled fro Argentina to Chicago in 1928. We think he worked for Plibrico. Do you have any archives I could search?
Many Thanks

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