An Ode to the Coal Industry

A message addressing the coal industry is posted on the exterior of a house that has stood abandoned for several years in West Virginia.

This abandoned house in McDowell County, West Virginia, has stood vacant for several years. A message posted on its exterior addresses the coal industry, which has severely impacted many of the region’s mountaintops and waterways. With a state legislature and governor closely tied to the coal industry—permitting toxic waste to be buried in headwaters and leaving mountaintops permanently scarred—the message carries a powerful resonance.

Hogs by Birth; Hogs by Nature; and Hogs by Acts of the Legislature

Clean Coal Tech
100 Billion to Devils
Pink, Indian and Elkhart Creeks dry fed by ponds and ditches.
Drinking water, fish, crawdads and minnows gone, chemicals glowing.

It appears that others have since added their grievances to the house as well.

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