Tater Knob Lookout Tower is an abandoned fire lookout tower in Bath County, Kentucky.
Fire lookout towers provided housing and protection for individuals whose duty was to search for wildfires. Located on the summit of a mountain or otherwise high vantage point, the spotters could observe for smoke that may develop, determine its location, and call for fire suppression personnel to the fire.
Tater Knob Lookout Tower was constructed in 1934 by the Civilian Conservation Corps in Bath County, Kentucky. The 35-foot-high tower was home to a 200-square-foot cab that contained a wood stove, cabinet, storage box, small table, stool, and two cots. By the mid-1970s, aircraft replaced fire lookouts, and the tower was abandoned. Later restored to serve as an overlook in the Daniel Boone National Forest, it was damaged in arson on December 3, 2008.
I wonder how structurally sound the iron work is. Someone might be able to rent it and build a newer version on it and then after a few years return it to the Park Service. It would make a great weekender. I always loved towers like this.
Just like they are piloting in West Virginia!
Climbed the tower many times such a shame it was destroyed