Wiscasset Bungalows

The Wiscasset Bungalows is an abandoned resort in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, situated in a 1,000 acre pine grove above a high bluff.

The Wiscasset began as a fruit farm, dairy, and livery. 1 Nine bungalows, each with a living room, fireplace, bath, and two to six bedrooms, and a central dining hall, 1 were added by Mary Chase Lockwood in 1914. 2 The dining hall included a private table for each family and a large room for amusements. Water in the bungalows and dining hall came from the Wiscasset Spring.

Amenities included trout fishing in Indian Run Creek 1 and a large swimming pool.



  1. Cullen, George A. “The Wiscasset Bungalows.” Mountain and Lake Resorts on the Lackawanna Railroad, 1909, pp. 93-94.
  2. “Of Interest to Alumae.” Wellesley College News, 4 June 1914, p. 7.

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