Kentucky Speedway, once a prominent venue for racing in Kentucky, faced logistical challenges that led to its closure.
Tag: Business
Abraham, West Virginia, 25955, is a serene community waiting to be discovered, often by those who explore the winding back roads in search of hidden gems.
Jumping Branch, West Virginia, is one of those communities that most would pass on by quickly as they either head toward Beckley or Hinton.
As you journey along the New River in Hinton, West Virginia, you’ll encounter the once-thriving Bluestone Museum & Taxidermy.
While traveling back along the Pennsylvania Turnpike, I passed through a typical array of roadside establishments: declining motels, run-of-the-mill gas stations and convenience stores, and greasy spoon diners.
The Rubber Bowl, located in Akron, Ohio, was a historic stadium that was a unique place in the city’s history.
Discovering a vintage Ashland gasoline station while traversing Kentucky’s rural routes is always a delight.
A fresh snowfall presented an ideal opportunity to explore the region’s back roads, capturing both familiar and new landscapes adorned in fresh snow.
Approximately eight years after Eugene Masters’ passing, I returned with a friend to the now-deserted Valley View General Store.
A few months back, I stumbled upon an abandoned Shell gasoline station near Shenandoah Caverns in Virginia.
A late autumn trip to West Virginia’s Greenbrier Valley isn’t complete without a visit to a few abandoned or forgotten landmarks.
Positioned prominently along Interstate 75 in Campbell County, Tennessee, two rusting Ferris wheels and a replica Titan rocket continue to draw the attention of drivers passing by.
My friend Ben and I were excited to explore West Virginia, aiming to visit locations featured in the Fallout 76 video game. Despite Ben’s tight schedule, we hoped to see key sites like the New River Gorge, Seneca Rocks, Mollohan Mill, and Dolly Sods. However, the extensive driving distances and winding mountain roads required us to condense our plans.
Located in rural Monroe County, West Virginia is Sinks Grove, named for the many sinkholes throughout the area. It could be mistaken for just another rural community that is slowly disappearing into the landscape, but I found it fascinating for the variety of abandoned and historic buildings that still existed. The most visually interesting out of all of them is the shuttered Bob & Bob Speleo General Store with its handpainted sign that is adorned with the faded motto “Cavers Serving Cavers.” Constructed circa 1910, it was operated as a general store and gasoline station by numerous proprietors including Roy…
Nestled in the heart of Greenbrier County, West Virginia, the Blue Sulphur Springs Resort whispers tales of its grandeur and subsequent oblivion from a past era.
Work is progressing on the stabilization of the shuttered Sweet Springs Resort in eastern West Virginia.
often passed by an abandoned roadside curiosity in southern West Virginia for years. During a Sunday drive through the countryside with my girlfriend, I decided to pull off the road and check out a rambling collection of five buildings.